Kerstie, a gifted psychic, medium, and clairvoyant healer
Known for her exceptional ability to connect with spirits, energies, and the unseen world. From a very young age, Kerstie exhibited a remarkable talent for identifying spirits and understanding their energies. Her innate ability to move energies and work with the divine has propelled her into a fulfilling journey of healing and spiritual guidance.
Kerstie has extensively studied various tools, including tarot cards, to enhance her clairvoyant abilities and hone her craft. She also incorporates elements of witchcraft into her practice, employing rituals and spells to amplify her connection with the spiritual realm. Through her work, she establishes a profound connection with spirits and guides, who provide invaluable insights and support in her healing endeavors.
Kerstie currently resides in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she shares her life with her loving husband, two children, and a delightful menagerie of animals. The presence of these creatures brings her comfort and a deep sense of harmony, reinforcing her connection to nature and the spiritual energies that surround us.